Yesterday, I came home to three packages on the front porch. Three new kilts from Frugal Corner. The big question was which one do I open first.

I ordered a Clark/Cergy several weeks ago but had it sent to a fellow Shriner in W.V. first becauce their highland band is looking for affordable kilt for their members too and they wanted to see the quailty of craftsmenship. So that went out weeks ago and made it's round at another temple before coming to Florida. By the way the Nobles in W.V. were very happy and are now working with Mark at FC.

After ordering the first one I desided not to wait and ordered two other kilts Pride of Scotland and Scottish National. Well as you can see they all came on the same day.

Pride of Scotland, Scottish National and Clark/Cergy.

Pride of Scotland

Scottish National


I have a Scottish Rite meeting on Monday, a Blue Lodge meeting on Tuesday and Krewe of Brigadoon meeting on Wednesday. So I am spending my Sunday trying to figure out which one I am wearing which day.

I am thinking about the Pride of Scotland on Monday with my white Eton jacket and black bowtie & tux shirt. I am an officer and we wear white dinner jackets, so I think that will work.

Tuesday is Blue Lodge so I think the Clark will work with a blue or white lodge golf shirt.

That leaves Wednesday for the Scottish National with a kilt t-shirt, I think I got it figured out... I will try to post pics this week wearing them