Saturday was an interesting day. My wife and I went to Santa Barbara and rented a kayak. I wore my Black Watch, since I hate shorts. We had a blast. I need to wash, or at least rinse, the salt and sand out of it now. We walked up and down State street, and a teenager commented about my kilt, and asked where I got it. I told him I got it at the Pomona games, but referred him here to xmarks for more information and a list of vendors.

Then, on the way home, as we were driving down the freeway, I was eating a burrito, and I choked. I got a chunk of the darn thing wedged in my throat, and it would not go up or down. I stayed as calm as I could, got the car pulled over( I was driving), and my lovely and multi-talented wife gave me the heimlich manouver.

I knew there was a reason I married her.