Quote Originally Posted by Hamish View Post
I have a very guilty feeling that this thread has been aimed at me, following a posting I made a day or two ago. Your very detailed comments and explanations are so very much appreciated. However, as in so many aspects of life, these things are much more easily achieved if you are able to share them, or are able to be challenged by someone else in the process. Living alone, as I do, makes this very difficult, but I have printed off your post and will try to motivate myself more effectively by following your advice. Thank you.
It was actually aimed at no one. My advice has helped several of my friends lose weight and keep it off, and I have lost over 100 pounds by this method as well. But, I'm glad you are motivated to better yourself

Yes, living alone can be a drawback, but you can find some friends or maybe join a "walker" group in your area - this is what I have done and I find it quite beneficial. Perhaps Meet Up can help with that?