Last weekend I took my youngest son to Cub Scouts camp over the weekend. I asked my son if I should go kilted and he said most deffinatly. He is most truely the proper little Scot. I spent some time the week prior making yet another flannel kilt (better to make mistakes with and to get covered with fir pitch) which I dubed "Son of Clan Mac Bedsheet" and headed off to Camp Baker. First of all, a kilt is just a great garment to wear in the woods I loved it. The response from the other campers was rather positive. Everyone with a Scottish connection came and told me all about it. I meet a Gunn, a Mac Phee, and 2 Thomsons as well as two of the staff who are Highland games throwers who were kind of pissed that they were miss the games in Winston that weekend. The best question was from one of the staffers who asked, "We were wondering, are you wearing a kilt because you're Scottish or just becuase you want to and can?" My answer was, "Both"