Wondering aloud: why do I have to ASK if it's alright to wear kilts to work?

There's nothing in the dress code that says I can't and if there was I wouldn't even consider wearing one. Here's the cut right from the Employee Handbook. (FYI: we are a production machine shop but I am an Office Employee (gotta love the separation between the "floor people" and the "office people", eh?).)

All employees shall maintain personal cleanliness and grooming habits that reflect a professional image for both the employee and the company.

<Company Name> is proud of its public image and strives to maintain the high standards for which we are known. The public forms their image of our organization through their contacts with you. We hope you will share our pride in <Company Name>. Accordingly, the following policy has been established for our employees.

(skip section 1 for production floor employees)

2. Office Employees, including department managers: Office employees may wear appropriate shirts, shorts and slacks. Jeans or dress jeans are permitted; however, they must look neat, clean and respectable. No sweats, strapless and/or see-through tops will be allowed. Dresses or skirts should be of appropriate length. Mini skirts are not permitted. For employee safety, shoes or boots must be worn at all times. No open-toe shoes (thongs, sandals) are permitted in the production area. Employees may be required to wear additional PPE in specific areas.

In the interest of safety, loose clothing and jewelry, including ties, necklaces and bracelets are prohibited in the production and growth areas of the plant.

Before I start giving any justifications for why I should be able to wear it to work, I want to pose the question to all of you:
Why should I have to ask?

Thanks for your candid feedback...
