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  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th July 07
    Spotsylvania, Virginia USA
    5 Post(s)
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    Ode to the Dandelion

    Here in Virginia we are closing on a bevy of Scottish Festivals. On September 15th there is the Virginia Highland Games, this year being held at Sky Meadows. At the end of the month 28th – 30th there is the Williamsburg Scottish Festival, which is commemorating its 30th year. With its location in Jamestown it is sure to jam packed as Jamestown is celebrating its Quadricentennial (400 years since its founding). On October 27 & 28, there is the Richmond Highland Games. There are bound to be more.

    I haven’t received yet my X Marks the Scott patches and the XMTS kilt pin is not available. Now wanting to be recognized by fellow XMTSers, it looks like I’ll be depending on our unofficial plant badge, the dandelion!

    Now to the consternation of my neighbors, I am known for raising some fine specimens of dandelions. As it’s been a dry summer, these little fellows are in short supply. I am watching a few potential plants that may produce a flower at the right time for a upcoming festival. This one shows a lot of promise planted smack in my new bed of fall endive lettuce!

    I thought I would check around town to see if there were any artificial dandelions available. Asking the Arts & Crafts associate at Wal-Mart if they had any dandelions, I got a blank stare and a few moments of silence, before the word, “No” was uttered. I ran to men’s restroom to look in the mirror to see if I had grown a second head.

    A few days later, I gathered the courage to go in to a Joanne Fabrics store. I wasn’t going to repeat my earlier mistake so I browsed around declining any help from the associates. Then I found IT! A lovely bouquet of dandelions priced at $4.99 and at check out, I found out it was discounted 40%!

    With great excitement when I arrived home, I should my wife my find. She thought they would do the trick all right but the bouquet was of chrysanthemums. Here are some photos of it.


    Now since I can get a few more sprigs of “dandelions” out of my bouquet, I am willing to share my find. So if any of you are attending a VA Scottish festival and see me (remember look for the dandelion) and recite this ditty, I’ll give you a sprig as long as the supply lasts. Here’s the ditty:

    Dandelion, Dandelion, you are so fine!
    Dandelion, Dandelion, will you be mine!

    Last edited by Mael Coluim; 30th August 07 at 07:11 PM.


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