First the link to win a leather RKilt.

I don't know why I'm announcing this and not keeping it a secret, but now you can look like me!

Oppps, wrong picture.

I really should get a better picture.

Yes it is true. Robert must have gone a little buggy but I was lurking around his website dreaming of a hot pink, I mean bronze leather kilt and I accidentally found this contest.

Take a picture of you in an RKilt & send it in. Too easy, monthly winners will receive a hemp RKilt shirt (I highly recommend them bad boys) and the Grand prize winner gets a custom made black leather RKilt (unfortunately it'll be in September 2008 :crap.

I bet you the only main contest rules would be that I personally can't bloody enter as I have just recently sold my wife's spleen to purchase these exact items :crap:x2.

For those who don't yet have an RKilt might I suggest you treat yourself to a hemp (leather) RKilt and win a black leather (leather) RKilt.

And please, please, please, no winners in Ontario! I couldn't stand the competition for those ever elusive kilt checks.