Quote Originally Posted by ardchoille View Post
In Seattle, Washington, it's illegal to carry a blade of more than 3 inches (but you can easily get a permit to carry a handgun.. go figure). I had a police officer tell me I need to leave it at home or be arrested next time he saw me with it. I feel it's a silly law since there is no law about carrying pens, pencils, forks, or anything else that can be used as a stabbing weapon.
Point of clarification here: Washington law does not specifically prohibit carrying a fix-bladed knife. However, carrying a knife with a blade length in excess of 3" during the commision of a crime can augment a sentence.

Seattle Municipal code, however, prohibits the carrying of any fixed bladed knife, regardless of length.

However, I'm seriously suprised a Seattle Officer challenged you about the knife. Officers have a fair amount of discretion here...