Lots of ideas going back and forth. My opinion is that the kilt is a piece of clothing and hence since almost any piece of clothing can be used in some way as a costume, if you want to use it as part of a costume, go for it. I realize that its a part of military uniforms and that men have fought and died over and in them. As an active duty US solider, I see people wear camoflague and/or old uniforms parts all the time who aren't in the military. Often times the uniform parts are worn incorrectly or faded and ripped. Do I get mad? No, its a free country and 99.9% of the people that are wearing it are doing so cause they like it and/or its comfortable, not as a sign of disrespect. If they want to be a solider for Halloween, I have no issues with it. I know I was one as a kid at least once. The kilt is the same way. The people who wear it as a costume aren't wearing it as a disrespect or protest. Dressing as a Scotsman or a Highlander is a perfectly legitimate costume, just as dressing like a German, or an Indian or an Eskimo is as well. As far as getting upset over someone wearing the kilt as a costume, get over it. Its their kilt and there are no laws regarding the wearing of a kilt last I checked. As a kilt wearing member of this forum, I would prefer that they wear it correctly and with respect, but if not, there isn't anything I can do about it. There are much more important things to worry about than people dressing up for a bit of fun. With that said, I think its time for some whiskey. Anyone want some?