I thought you guys might enjoy this. It was sent to me this morning by a colleague at the Scottish Tartans Authority who wanted to make a point to our local Trading Standards about the perils of non-authentic kilts. So he went along to a branch of one of the Heritage of Scotland / Gold Brothers' infamous emporia and bought one of their so-called "Kilt"s. (Okay, it's a kids' one to keep the costs down as he was paying it himself, but surely that just makes it worse!).

He says it took 20 seconds to go from contact with a flame to the result on the right. I hope whoever stands near a candle or careless mate's lighter while wearing one of these can work straps fast!

Note too the weasel-worded labelling, aiming to give a cheap import the illusion of authentic Scottishness without technically falling foul of the law. "Designed in Scotland". Ho-ho.

Sorry if I seem to be knocking a competitor. But seriously, making millions by shamelessly selling life-threatening crap to adults, let alone to kids, utterly disgusts me.