From my own experience making kilts for myself, I'd say that a professional kiltmaker is someone who has no need to worry about any housekeeping, does not need to sort out such things as tax and accounts, and probably has a good set of false teeth so they never need to take a few hours off to get to their dentist. They are then able to spend every moment of the working day, and possibly evening measuring and sewing kilts.

Having made and remade my kilts for a couple of years as I lost weight (12 inches off the waistline) I came to the conclusion that I was hardly able to afford the time to keep myself in kilts, and even now my losses have slowed down I have more kilts needing attention than I have available to wear.

I would love to be able to get up each morning and not have to personally sort out meals, shopping, packing up sold items and taking them to the post office, being home for deliveries, taking phone calls, visiting an aged relative to do their shopping and washing and housekeeping - though I supose that makes it all the better when I realise that I have a couple of hours to spare and can immerse myself in kilt construction.

That looks to be a fine kilt, and I don't think that a few stitches showing is anything to be concerned about. The fit looks good, the horisontal lines are aligned, and I think that proportions are right too.

The heel to hem/hem to top of kilt looks to be equal - it doesn't have to actually be equal it just looks even as you stand. I think that is what gives a good impression - having looked at a few photos and tried to analyse what looks right or wrong.

In addition it just says quality.