I know that to some of you kilted brothers going "regimental" is nothing unusual, but for us "newbies", it takes some working up to. My sister-in-law was visiting this weekend so we spent all day Saturday shopping and just hanging out. I decided that I needed to get over my trepidation about going "regimental" in public, so I whipped off the undies just before leaving the house (in private, of course!). I wore a khaki short sleeve shirt, my Gordon tartan, belt, day sporran, wheat colored hose, Gordon flashes, and my suede hiking shoes. A great casual look. I had nothing but positive comments from people who had the nerve to say something to me. There were plenty of looks from people who looked away as soon as our eyes met, but those who did say something were absolutely effusive about how nice it looked. One woman stated how nice it was to see a man in a kilt and how she wished she'd see them more often. Another asked if I played the pipes, to which I replied, "No, but I'm thinking of learning". A saleslady in one of the shops asked if I were Scotch......I said "No, I just enjoy wearing a kilt". She was amazed at the honesty of my answer and thought it was great that I was wearing something unusual simply because I like it. I digress, my point in all this was that I soon forgot I was "regimental" and it felt quite normal. Another great kilted day!