Wore my belted plaid, out in public, for the 1st time Saturday.
Overall, a good experience...

We stopped at the local Food Lion for some bottled water... as we were heading across the parking lot, some redneck yelled "nice skirt". Didn't bother me, as they were in a car, driving away... apparently too gutless to say it to my face. Small minds...

On our way home,later that evening, we stopped at a family style restaurant,for supper.

Several differing reactions there...
As we were seated, most heads in the dining room were craning for a glimpse, but that only lasted a moment.

I was amused by the table of 4 women (in their 30's to 60's) who would avert their eyes when I glanced in their direction: I could see in my peripheral vision they were highly interested in my attire.

Couple (in early 30's) seated next to us said nothing to us, but body language spoke volumes: The wife kept analyzing me, with a look of genuine curiousity... her hubby had the "You-wouldn't-catch-me-in-one-of-those" attitude... which was doubly funny, since his wife was obviously so intrigued by the kilt.

Father & daughter to our other side struck up a very nice conversation. It started with the typical "Oh, so you play bagpipes?" We spent the majority of our dinner-time going over my (limited) knowledge of kilts, belted plaids, and the increase of kilt wearing, in America. Very enjoyable (and the other couple listened in, too).

The best are, of course, the kids. A couple tykes blurted out, to their parent's embarrassment, "Mommy, why's that man wearing a...".
I chuckled, and told the parents it's OK...kids are just honest. Then I gave a quick rundown on why I had a kilt on, and the basic components of my attire. Everybody walked away with a smile.

At the end of the day, I felt I had done my part to further the Kilted-Kause!