Alright, WalkerK posted this in the Pub, but since I don't hang there (can't even remember my password) I am re-posting it here. This the two of us at a whisky tasting sponsored by Bowmore, and Jackson's Liquors of Lafayette, CA. The empty bottle of 37-year old whisky I'm holding really does sell for a cool grand, and I am pleased to report that I had seconds.

here's some of the others we sampled --10 in all:

The food and beverages were first class, but alas we were the only kilties.

One funny moment came right after we walked into the upscale restaurant where the tasting was held. A very attractive hostess approached WalkerK and asked if she could ask him a question. He replied in the affirmative, and I leaned in to hear (secretly jealous that she was choosing to ask him "the question" instead of me - - Hmm, I guess that's how Grant always feels.) Anyway, it turned out she wanted to know what was sticking out of his hose (A stag-handled sgian dhu). He told her, and she said that's what she thought, but apparently other theories has been thrown out by her coworkers, such as a scroll?.

Anyway, good times.

Best regards,
