Far be it for me to disagree with our esteemed forum members, in particular Monkey@Arms. Especially when that disagreement actually furthers Panache's standing amongst this forum and it's moderators. Alas it is something that I read months ago by the hand of Ace reporter Jake that, in contradiction to Jamie, "There are no penguins in the Arctic!" It was either in this thread or a by reference in another that has bothered me so.

As custodians of a great section of the Arctic Canadians know the truth. Albeit rare there are indeed penguins in the Arctic circle. I submit for your approval, at great risk to our photographers this proof:

Now Jamie as vindication for you I would like for you to put in a good word for me for early release. This morning I was looking out of my barred cell window, I mean office window and saw this new billboard.

Although I have been enjoying my just desserts (rice pudding tonight) I have been put off of the main courses. It is a shame as tomorrow I was told that we were having tiddily oggies.

Thank you,

The fully rehabilitated.
