A couple of weeks ago I made a camera case for myself to wear on my belt.
I designed a celtic knot for the front panel. I made it using the same techniques I use for sporrans. The size is about 4 inches wide, six inches tall, and about 1 1/2 inches deep. Just fits my camera.

Then a lady at church is talking with my wife, describing how she and her husband (a soldier in Iraq) are planning to renew their wedding vows in Ireland this month when he comes home. They are going to wear Rennaissance Faire type clothing. The lady knows me and I was wearing a kilt and sporran when they were talking. The lady says she has most of the clothing, but doesn't have a belt pouch for her husband.

So my wife volunteers me to make a sporran for him. The lady wanted something simple, in black. So I used the celtic knot pattern for the front flap of the sporran.

Here is a picture of the sporran, and camera case together on a celtic know belt from our Cavscout. All of these are black, but the picture came out brownish, Sorry. I'm going to have to get a better camera, or better lighting, or a better adobe program.

I don't know if he will wear it as a sporran or as a belt pouch, so I made belt hangers to go with it. They are removable. Maybe he will like the sporran so much he will need a kilt to go with it!.

Anyway, this was my weekend project. It was cold with rain and snow so it was a nice indoor project.

I also worked on a couple of other projects (for Nighthawk and one other), but I'll let them decide if they want to show them when they are done.
