Next morning began as normally as the previous day, I saw that the rabbits and hens were tended, recorded the number and size of eggs, weighed the chicken and rabbit carcases as I took them from the cooling cupboard and looked over the rabbit pelts being preserved.

Technicians from the kitchens brought food for the rabbits and hens, they would carry the food for Humans back to the pantry and sort it, plus other items either from the garden or our suppliers further afield, for the various meals and classes in the House.

I showered and changed into my white dress and gown, slipped on the white shoes, then made my way to the south dining room. It is customary to have several prepared dishes available for those who do not cook, and there are such things a yogurts and cereals. I spent a few minutes constructing a soufflé omelet with Leicester cheese and an orange and yellow striped tomato - the tomatoes were unusually large this year, whilst the coffee maker gurgled a cup of hot water through lightly roasted mocha and Mysore grounds.

Everything was unusually quiet, but in a good way, I felt.

Today I would be able to sort things out.