Talking to some people, I discover most people don't know what to backup. Most apps are on the cd's, it's your files that need backing up. I use flash-drives and google. I also keep a folder on my wife's computer and she keeps one on mine.

My company hates it but I'm the one legally accountable for the info. In some cases, it would be to their advantage if it got lost.

Mac users note that iphotos to dvd is not a true backup. Go to the pictures folder and find the actual pictures in it. The iphoto dvd will only play on iphoto.

Somebody already mentioned this but sometimes the drive can be read by another computer. I've done that. Put it in an external closure (tigerdirect has nice prices) and either usb or firewire connections might let you get the files off it. Even used the connection without the enclosure since the drive was the older, bigger one.

Good luck, it is rough.