Wisconsin has officially ratified it's tartan! After years of fighting for this, Wisconsin now has a tartan to call its own, and a beautiful tartan it is!

Here's the breakdown:

Stripe/Color (Significance/Rationale)

Brown (Fur trade)

Grey (Lead mining in the southwest corner of the state)

Green (The lumber industry and Wisconsin's great pine forests)

Blue (The two Great Lakes bordering Wisconsin creating the
state's maritime trade as well as the commercial and
recreational fishing industries. It also represents our
state's resort industry found on the thousands of lakes
within our state's borders.

Yellow (Dairy and brewing industries)

Red (The University of Wisconsin System led the state into
agriculture, industrial eras. It is one of Wisconsin's largest
employers & major research & development resources
which significantly helps all of Wisconsin's industries.

Where Yellow & Green intersect (Wisconsin's Professional Sports Industry, exemplified by
Green Bay Packers' colors.