I wore my SWK Hunting McLean to a church House Group dinner last night, the first time any of those people but my wife had seen me kilted. Most were very graciously courteous and interested in my kilt, but one woman opened her conversation with the statement, "I want to ask you a question that may make you angry."

Now bear in mind that I have known this woman and her husband for 20 years. Their son and ours were members of the same Cub Pack and Scout Troop and we have been parishioners at the same church for 16 years. I treasure their friendship, but from this woman I do not expect tact.

So I replied, "Ask away," and she responded, "Are you wearing underwear under that thing?"

Well, I was. I always do when I first venture into a new environment and am not certain what to expect. So I replied, "Yes!" and she turned away in silence and obvious annoyance; I had spoiled her fun. I think the rest of the Group were pleased that that subject had been dismissed so quickly, because it did not arise again. Sometimes it is best to "take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them."
