I'm sure I'm not the only one. And, I'm sure there are those that can't stand his writing. That's ok too.

I read a lot of his books in High School (Gerald's Game was the first.) I just recently began reading (anything) again. So, I naturally went back to what I knew I liked: Mr. King. I searched out his most recent and found a paperback of Lisey's Story. Read it, loved it, and decided to try Bag of Bones (I somehow missed this one as I was reading his books at that time. Probably was reading something else when my mother bought this and forgot to pick it up after she was done) loved it even more. I think I'll finally read the Dark Tower series. Everyone swears by them, so time to see what the hype is. But first, there's the hardback copy of The Cell mom's been practically scolding me for not reading. lol.

Oh and yeah, I get my taste from my mother.