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  1. #1
    Join Date
    28th February 07
    Minneapolis MN USA
    1 Post(s)
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    When does buying kilts stop being a hobby and become grounds for an intervention?

    A bit of background.
    I started with a Utilikilt mocker about 4 years ago, I purchased an original the next day. Life was good! Life was fun!

    Then I started reading Scots history and reasearching my family history.
    Google search... Scot... Xmarksthescot....I'll try that!

    So far things are managable.. good reading, good folks discussing kilts, what's not to like?

    Then I order a Stillwater heavy wool Lamont. Seems to be in keeping with what is happening in my life.

    I make friends with Josh at NeoKilts a short time later. A MacMillan modern black soon arrives!

    I'm now checking this forum 3-4 times a day. My wife has made me an X-Kilt. I'm now more conversant with 700 years of Scottish history than I am with my own country's 200 year old history. I start attending Scottish functions and become a dues paying member of Clan MacMillan.

    I need a "tank"!! Kathy Lare is called and new kilt commishioned!
    Jones for four months but I now posess the real deal.
    I lurk e-bay for "stuff". I find "stuff". My wife looks at me and asks, "You bought what?"

    Talk with Josh some more... It seems I now have an US Army box pleat on order and a semi-trad Holyrood as well!

    I order a House of Edgar Argyle with waistcoat from Celtic Croft.

    I start a conversation with Barb Tweaksbury about another "tank" ("Honey... what would I do with two kilts of this quality?")

    So here is the question. Am I certifiable? I have three kilts in various stages of progress, I am looking at the cash I have set aside for a Brown Watch feileadh-beag, and am thinking about a county Tyrone for Matt Newsome to do.
    (I have seen your posts... some of you are worse than I.)

    Last edited by Fedgunner; 13th December 07 at 06:12 PM.
    Commissioner of Clan Strachan, Central United States.

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