...these photos from Manley Richardson look really sharp:

Ok, so those last two were mine. But I posted these photos to illustrate a point: don't over do it. Look at these photos. They keep it simple without too many accessories and what not...and they look great. I'm not singling anybody out, I'm just saying that I've been seeing a lot of photos that look, well, tacky.

I think we get carried away with looking "Scottish", but the kilt illustrates that perfectly. Beyond that it's mostly fluff, frankly. I mean, I understand wearing clan stuff to represent yourself, and other important pieces, but I think a lot of us (and I'm guilty of this too) get too excited and push it a bit too far. So, in an effort to help us all out, I just wanted to say this: step back and really look at yourself. Do you look classy, or do you look like a tourism ad? All I ask is that you wear the kilt looking good, not gaudy.