THANKS for the great information (and good wishes!), everyone!

Riverkilt...what a cool job to have!! I do have the doctoral tam with gold tassel and the doctoral robe with black velvet chevrons (I really love the look of the black on black gown...maybe its a nun thing? ).

I got my grad. attire...drumroll please...from e-bay! It was a real deal (a very nice gown and tam...purchased seperately, but both the good kind, not the junky kind!). The former owner was a dentist, so the velvet on the hood was a lilac color...I got some "education blue" velvet on clearance at JoAnn Fabrics, and Sister Joan is going to sew it up for me. I got the "outfit " probably a year and a half ago...I knew that the big day would be coming up "some day"!

THANKS AGAIN, everyone!!