Dirt cheap Sporran hangers
I was wandering around the absolute best "Guy store" in Canada today, called Princess Auto, and came across leather belt strap key ring holders. Although not as nice as the Sporran holders available from vendors on this forum, you can't beat the price. They were 50 cents each! I didn't buy any but thought I'd pass it along.
For you unfortunates to not live in a Canadian city that has a Princess Auto store you don't know what you're missing. It started out 75 years ago as an auto wrecker, which then started carrying farming, workshop, and other industrial supplies. They gave up the wrecking business and now just carry an amazing array of "Guy Stuff". Setting a guy loose in Princess Auto is like dropping a woman off at a mall. You can wander around for an hour or two and still not see all the goodies...
Youth & Enthusiasm are no match for Age & Treachery