Just some information from Gene and Ruth for us all:


Hi Alan, Casey and X-markers,

Hope you all had a great Burns Supper, as from what we
heard, last years could be hard to top!

The Convener information for the Sacramento Games was
finally available and we sent in our application for
two tent spaces for Clan MacNaughton. Hopefully we
will get the assignment we requested. Each site is
$35.00 and you can pay us at the event. We will bring
a couple of extra signs for Clan MacNaughton that you
can use in your tent to help it look "legal".

The Games are listed for Apr 25, 26, 27, with Fri the
25th as the set up day, and Sat and Sun as games days.
You can find out more info on www.saccallie.org. The
listing of clan and tent assignments is still there
from last year as we have requested #20 and #21 for
our two spaces which should leave plenty of room for
folks to move about.

Also, on the site you will see that each tent space
gets a parking permit and two tickets for the weekend.
We will send you one set when we get them back unless
you tell us who else to send them to. You had
mentioned Kent and Madalyn had a tent to set up, so if
they can come up Fri, it would be best because cars
must be on the grounds by 8:15 am, and off the grounds
by 8:45 am on Sat. morning.

You will also see on the site there is RV parking and
we think that you car camped there last year. You may
want to check into how to do that for this year.

We have found two reasonably priced hotels on Main St
in Woodland; the Days Inn and the Quality Inn. They
both run about $75.00/night, with continental
breakfasts, and have worked well since we don't spend
much time except to sleep and change there. If
someone is going to stay at one of these, they should
book soon as they will fill up. Some of the other
hotels in the area run $90-$100/night.

Will let you know when we get the registration info

Yours Aye,

Gene and Ruth