A few weeks ago I was in Sweden, wearing one of my kilts. It was for the second time within a couple of months.
People didn’t seem to bother at all. But, when crossing a square a dark blue and white painted Volvo XC90 police car was slowly moving in the opposite direction. When it was about two meters from me the car stopped and the driver rolled down the window.

“I see you are wearing a kilt; it’s a little bit uncommon” the policeman said.
“Uncommon” might be the polite interpretation. He talked to me in Swedish and although our languages are rather closely related I didn’t know the exact meaning of the word he was using but it might be closer to “weird”.

“Is something special going on today?” he continued.

“At least nothing I know of”.
“OK, just curious.”

I certainly was taken by surprise. However, before I could ask him about his legal rights to obviously question what I was wearing the car continued its way across the square. Seeing it disappearing I considered whether I should find a police station and complain about him. But after a couple of minutes I came to the conclusion that it probably would be nothing but a waste of time.
I did feel insulted and I still do.

This accident shall in no way keep me from again wearing a kilt in Sweden, as it should not any of you. Having seen several policemen and –women in Sweden and them having seen me and without any of them showing any interest or suspicion regarding my unquestionable decent and proper way of dressing I have chosen to consider this one an exception.

Any of you having had similar experiences?

