It is just amazing how kilt spreading over the pond. No other national garment brings same attention as kilt does. Definitely, Scotsmen have done something to this civilization. But lats face it, kilt isn't just a national form of dress that belongs to Scott anymore. It's an international form of male garment. And now tartan represents our heritage not kilt itself, otherwise I personally don't see any point in any Canadian or American tartans (how about Chines-American tartan for instants) if only Scottish can use it. So We people should be proud and happy just of the fact that kilt associated with Scotland and recognized as man garment not a COSTUME!, and that gives us opportunely to wear it without confrontation from the public side. So I'll say it Scotland The Brave - All The Way, Sir!

PS. I just had conversation with young gent who was about to explode arguing with me on the same subject. He was very strait about restricting kilt wear to Scott only. But come on guys!, it's hard to find 100% pure Scottish here in North America and people identifying them selfs by the first language or country they came from(well as far as I know at least my wife does, she says she's Russian(her 1st language), but in fact - Polish-Jewish).I have 6 blood lines in my stream myself.

Well, maybe everything I said is obvious to any one on this forum, I just felt I have say it.