I am bored in Kansas City right now. Downto KC to be more precise. I am surprised that there is not more to do, but then again it is Sunday. I find this place to be rather drab, but I managed to wander to the KC public library which is the most amazingly fantastic library I have ever visited. Anway, why am I in KC? MEPS. Thats military entrance processing for those who don't know. 2 weeks ago I started the processing, got through the physical and testing only to find out that I dont qualify because of my eyesight. While I am correctable to 20/20, the refraction on my cornea is just a smidge to negative. . . .(I'm no optometrist). The Navy, which is the branch I am trying to enter, is working on getting me a waiver. Tomorrow I have a consultation with an eye doctor to see if I get that waiver. I am trying not to get my hopes up, but this has been something I have wanted to do since I was a little kid. Guess we will see how it goes.