I was surfing the web today looking for Top Tens and I found one called "Top 10 reasons why I won’t wear a Kilt." http://www.renaissancefestival.com/c...TOPIC_ID=20888

"Inspired by Mad Jack Wolfe’s Reason #25381 why I don't wear a kilt.

10) No matter what you call it or the historical significances in 2008 it’s a skirt.

9) I like skirts... but not on men....

8) Biting insects.

7) I live in Minnesota. We have two season Mosquito and –40.

6) I am not Scottish or Irish.

5) Trying to sit like a lady when you’re a dude.

4) There are too many “flamboyant” looking Fest pictures of me already, add a kilt and…...oh good grief...

3) Cougar kilt checkers.

2) Chuck Norris told me not too.

1) The Frog Hopper incident!

All in fun...."