Next Fall (nothing like advance notice) say, in late October (after the Ben Lomond Games)

.....IF....there was a "make a kilt weekend", would anybody here be interested in coming?
I've heard from two local guys who are X-marks lurkers that they'd be up for it. If 6 - 10 guys/gals wanted to get together and power out some casual kilts, I'm up for it.


Friday night:

fly in, bike in , drive in, teleport in....
Bring, your sewing machine, 5 yards of solid color or camouflage twill fabric, spare needles for the machine, and a big spool of thread of the appropriate color. Oh, and chalk and a Carpenters square and a cloth measuring tape.

Saturday Morning:

We meet early "somewhere", like at 7:30 AM, and start working on kilts. I'm going to just think outside the box here and guess/pray/say that way2fractious and the F-H.C.A.G will be there (hopefully) and they've both made lots of stuff, so there'll be "expertise" on hand. If you want to make a casual, machine-sewn knife pleat kilt instead of an X-Kilt, any of us can help you with that, too. I'll take a deep breath and say that if you really wanted to make a tartan box-pleat kilt, machine-sewn, we could probably get you through that as well, though you wouldn't have a liner until later.

we sew all day, just power it right out until we're done, probably at 7:30 PM or thereabouts.

Saturday Night:

We strut our stuff at a local "establishment"

Sunday AM:

"kirkin' O' the kilts?"......or sleep-in recovery from Saturday?... maybe a short Sunday afternoon hike, wrapping up around 3:00 so folks can hit the road/plane/train before it's too late.


What say? Anybody interested? I can't do it before October, honest.