Some time back I think I posted a thread about being kilted at a restaurant on the rez and a Navajo woman sent the waiter over to tell me to watch how I sat. I wasn't pleased because it was a great embarrassment to the young waiter and there was absolutely no way the lady could have seen anything from where she was sitting.

I've had people come back to me and say a lady claims I flashed her in an AA meeting. Not possible since even when I don't have underwear on my chubby thighs block the view of the bits and a person would have to get their eyes down to my knee level to see up my kilt...and all they'd see is fat thighs.

Crashing with a friend a few weeks ago I was seated on a couch with a deep back. My friend's roomate was off to my left and standing. When I got up she made a big to-do that I was flashing her. From her angle it would be impossible, but she made a big "whooo" type fuss.

This came to me on the discrimination thread, just pulling it off to not steal the thread.

I mean jeez, when someone accuses you of flashing - even though they are dead wrong and the line of sight is impossible for reasons of geometry, darkness, and flabby thighs...what can you say?

Anyone else had this insanity happen to them? And any ideas for handling these false accusations when they happen?

