There is elegance in simplicity. You already have most of the items that are considered as part of a formal outfit. With the addition of a nice vest and a black sporran you shouldn't need to buy much more.
1) You have a pair of good shoes just make sure they are polished till they glisten.
2) You have a kilt. )I would upgrade to a USA Kilts Semi-Trad if I could. Second best choice would be a Stillwater Standard.) Which ever Kilt you use, spend some time basting and pressing the pleats till they hang perfectly straight. Look in the mirror at your pleats. They should not hang in waves like a stage curtain.
3) The vest will be very hard to buy and get an exact color match so think about a vest in Dove Gray or other color. Wear your outfit to your local Tux rental shop and ask them to help with the vest. You don't wear a belt with a vest so you can scratch that item off your list.
4) While you are at the tux shop look at a shirt that fits in the sleeves. The one in your photo has the sleeves too long. there should be only about 1/2" to 1" of shirt cuff showing. The shirt should also be one that takes studs instead of buttons. The small black or dark pearl studs. It should also have French Cuffs for Cufflinks. Your Shirt Studs, Cuff Links and Kilt Pin don't have to match exactly but I usually lay mine out on a table together and try to choose ones that look like they were bought at the same time as a set.
5) I do the same thing with my flashes as I do with my jewelry. I pick flashes that are the same as the handkerchief in the pocket of my Jacket. Flashes are really easy to make as a DIY project. Barb T. posted a great tutorial on making flashes.
6) Forget the Fly Plaid and the hat. The idea of formal is to look elegant, not costume. And the last thing you want to do is outdress your date. NEVER UPSTAGE YOUR DATE!!!!! Keep everything simple, understated, and elegant. When you see the photos of you and your date you should notice her, not you.
7) Your sporran should be black. That's the only rule. Something simple, black, perhaps with tassels. But remember to polish it with shoe polish and make it glisten like your shoes.
8) The next thing I would do is get a nice haircut. Now before you scream that I'm making you get a short haircut, don't. I don't mean short. I mean neat, clean, and elegant. Heck, a visit to a good hairdresser does wonders for the overall look of an outfit.
That's it really, KISS Keep it Simple Stupid. Everything you wear, should be clean, pressed, polished, and elegant. And along with the pride in your outfit, and the pride of having your date on your arm when you walk in will make you walk with pride. There is nothing better to make people notice how well an outfit looks than your own pride in what you have created.
Steve Ashton
Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
I wear the kilt because: Swish + Swagger = Swoon.