Quote Originally Posted by Monkey@Arms View Post
I've always wanted to make beer, a group effort sounds like fun. What would the cost be, Alan?

Best regards,

Getting started on your first batch will probably cost you in the range of 80-110 dollars (arizona prices, i don't know if it's different where you are). And that will include buckets, and all the tools you need to brew (minus the ingredients)

Once you have all the tools you need you can probabaly get away with a 5 gallon batch of beer (ale, lager, stouts) for anywhere between 30-40 dollars. Now you can even go cheaper if you have the proper recipes, and have a good hookup for ingredients that you can buy from. You'll need your grains, hops, malt, yeast, sugars, and anything else that you plan to use. My suggestion if to use a KIT for your very first batch so that you can learn the ropes. Your local brewery shop should carry them, and they have all the ingredients you need, plus step by step instructions. After you've done your first KIT batch you can start branching out a bit and experiementing. You'll need anywhere between 45-50 12 ounce bottles to bottle 5 gallons. Part of your batch will evaporate so you won't actually end up with 5 gallons, more like 4 1/2.

Feel free to IM me anytime if you have any questions. My brother and I brew all the time, we've won 2 gold medals, 2 silver, and 1 bronze medal in various competitions for both our ales, and our mead.

For our mead we import our honey from Alaska and OMG if anyone is ever out here in AZ i'll have to hook you up with some. Normally we accept donations in the amount of $20 for a wine size bottle of it, but I'd be more than happy to share plenty in good company.
