Kilt hose pattern needed
I tried searching for the people who showed homemade kilt hose, but of course I couldn't find those posts. At first when I showed the kilt hose made by the Finnish relative of a kiltie, my wife said, "Don't ever ask me to do that." Now I happened to mention it again as I saw someone knitting some socks, and she replied, "Get me a pattern for kilt hose and I will try." It must be the wearing of the kilt that changed her mind!
So if any one has any good patterns for knitting kilt hose, either post them or email them to me with an attachment. Remember you can get our email by clicking on our name above the post.
Last edited by sorcererdale; 27th April 08 at 01:49 PM.
Reason: changed "beside" name to above.
You don't have to be Scottish to be comfortable!