I think that anyone who knows who I am is probably aware that I'm attending nursing school at a minor southwestern university. A smaller set of you know that there is some friction between myself and the administration of the School of Nursing. Today, I had to go over to the SoN building for a final exam in one of my classes.

I chose my clothing with deliberation. I wore my "Nursing" sweatshirt because it was cold, and because I'm quite sure it irritates some of the staff to see me wearing it. And I wore my MacMedic kilt to show my pride in my chosen profession, and my determination not to let the turkeys get to me.

What many people don't know is that my minor southwestern university is home to a fairly large number of students of Asian descent. Among other things, we have a sister school program with a university in China. As I was leaving the SoN building after my test, I was therefore unsurprised to see an elderly Asian couple looking lost. Because I'm That Guy, I stopped and asked if I could help them. They told me what they were looking for, and I gave them directions.

At the end of the conversation, the gentleman asked, "You're from Scotland?"

I smiled, and said, "Tucson," and we all had a good laugh. As ways to relieve tension after a test go, it was a pretty good one.