The military loves TLA's (three letter acronyms) so it's not uncommon to hear things like "C-L-P", "B-D- U', "E-G A", or what have you. Well one prank that used to be pulled on the FNG's ( A TLA in itself) was to send them to motor pool for a can of A-I-R. Of course this one had to stop once those little cans of compressed air for cleaning electronics became common.

When I was doing construction we'd have the newbs looking for things like board stretchers ("I cut this board an 1/8 too short, go look in the truck for my board stretcher!") and left handed hammers ("No, not this one, the left handed one! It points the other way!").

Again in the Marines, we used radios that had the designation PRC and some number depending on the model. PRC-77's were common, but sometimes we needed a "special" radio so we'd send the FNG to ask the Gunny where the PRC-E7 was. "Hey Gunny, where's the PRC (prick) E7?" (E7 being a Gunnery Sergeants enlisted grade). Most were smart of enough to catch that one, but you got a few.