Yes folks, my first new kilts since last January are here! I have not been slacking or ignoring my responsibilities - it was just that I have been trying to lose weight and did not want to buy new kilts that would be too large for me!

I do not have time right now to post reviews of either of these, but thought you might like to see the photos, so here they are:

No.88 comes from Geoffrey (Tailor) of Edinburgh and is pleated to the stripe in the gorgeous 'County Cavan' Irish tartan woven by the House of Edgar -

No.89 is from a new (to me) maker of contemporary kilts in the USA, 'AlphaKilts'. I have been asked to write a review of this, their 'Edinburgh' model, but all I will say at the moment is that it is extremely well-made and is very comfortable to wear although I've not yet had a chance to test drive it for more than a few minutes:

I will try to find time to write detailed reviews before I rush off to Scotland at the weekend, but time is in short supply at the moment!!

Take care,