I've mentioned before that I've been wanting to check out a local group, but we haven't been able to yet. I found out yesterday that they were going to do a demonstration at a local library. Christopher and I are still sick (ugh, colds!), but we were determined to check them out.

I had a blast. They all seemed very nice and they demonstrated a handful of dances. They did the Cumberland Reel with audience participation at the end. It looked like so much fun, but I knew better than to get up and try it (coughing fits and dizzy spells don't mix well with something like that heheheh).

They even had some live music. One gentleman played a larger tin whistle while a lady played a guitar. Then he played the small pipes and then he played the bagpipes. The interesting thing about that was since there were a lot of small children in the audience, he explained how they worked. He also turned the drones off and played on the chanter. Then he would kick in the drones one at a time to show how they all work together.

I introduced myself and asked them a few questions after the demo. I can't wait to go to the classes. The only thing that stinks is this darn cold! I would love to go this Sunday, but if Christopher and I are still feeling this bad we probably shouldn't push it yet.
