Hulloo Lads and Lassies of XMTS Rabblers and Babblers and
Drafty Kiltie enthusiasts. Foor ye daen? nae sae bad?

This is my first and last post to ye a' ! ... only Joking!
I have enjoyed reading several of your posts and comments and a' the guid pictures in this forum, so I guess I should introduce mysel tae you.

I live in Southern California (since 1985), in the wee toon of Camarillo, in Ventura County. Hame of Ronald Reagan Country-( Presidential Library just doon Yonder in Simi Valley) and the Seaside Highland Games in Ventura (which are magic btw) the 2nd weekend in October.

I started wearing a Kilt in 1975 to the Scottish Games in (Liverpool) Syracuse, New York that belanged tae my Grandfaither.
I was a tenor drummer for a few years with the Syracuse Pipe Band and enjoyed many of the Games and parades aroon' the area.
Most enjoyable and memorable were the Maxville Games north of Cornwall in Canada. I was young and stupid, but hud a lot o' fun!
Noo I'm aulder but nae wiser.