Quote Originally Posted by Wolf View Post
... Classifying a band is also no exact science so of course not everyone can agree....

If you want to learn something about a metal band go check www.metal-archives.com, however they don't list grind, hardcore, metalcore, neometal and hardrock (of course there are exceptions) *** they have to draw a line somewhere on what is metal and what is not.
Yes, of course, not everyone will agree with it. That's why I don't like the metal-archives, I could say a few things about them but not here, who gave them the power to say who is metal or who is not? But let's not get further away from the point of the thread, PM if you wish to engage into this further.

Has anyone mentioned Geasa? I didn't see it. They're not necesarily 'Celtic' more as an Irish Death metal band, but they do have lyrics and involve folklore and stuff. So I guess it's a death metal band with some celtic influences??