I was just reading a thread in which a serving member of the armed services said that he was hesitant about posting a picture in kilted uniform. He was concerned about being flamed and he was flamed.

I am not questioning the right of the person who questioned his right to wear the uniform and ribbons shown but why did it have to be in a negative tone? I simple search would have shown that the picture was of a serving officer, but, even so the same question could have been stated in a positive way. The simple question of "What unit are/did you serve with and what are the ribbons for?" Could have raised the same concern.

I have been noticing more and more negative posts there are some member that as soon as I see their Avatar I skip the post. 90% of the time these post will be very negatively stated.

I like the exchange of ideas here and some time the disagreement may become very heated. But even if we are in a heated we can be respectful.

I would call on the forum for a week of total respect. Before you post think can I state this is a more positive way?