Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
Make the "X-Kilt" out of the solid cloth. That will be your learning kilt. If you mess it up, don't stress. go get some more cheap stuff and make another one. By that point, you'll have the basic idea.

Then, if you like how that worked out, make a Box-Pleat kilt out of the MacGregor. But don't make it an X-Kilt. For example, don't topstitch the pleats on the MacGregor, like you do on the X-Kilt....and don't live or die on the 3-something inch pleat width of the X-Kilt. Use a pleat width that works for the tartan size. Make a full-width apron, not the narrow X-Kilt apron....

Unless you just HAVE to have a MacGregor, modern X-Kilt. I mean, it' s your kilt, do what you want. BUT

The X-Kilt is for LEARNING....and when you're done you have something to wear.

I feel a rant coming on.
Yep, I was planning on making those adjustments. Also planning to add straps and buckles.. and possibly cut away some of the pleating in the fell area and add a liner. If you cut away some of the pleating in the fell area, it's easy to hide the left strap hole in a pleat.

Wait.. is this the basics of how a Matt Newsome kilt is constructed?