Scocha were again the headline band at the Edinburgh Kilt Walk.

One of the supporting bands was the Edinburgh Postal Pipe Band

On my previous visits to Edinburgh there has usually been a piper at the corner of Princes Street and Waverley Bridge near the Scott Monument. Our political masters and tourism bosses seem to want to bin the tartan and shortbread image of Scotland so I suppose I should not have been surprised to find that at the peak tourist season, Edinburgh Festival time, the piper has been banished in favour of a different kind of music. No criticism of this group of musicians, but would the Japanese and American tourists who have spent their hard earned money coming to Scotland not have preferred the swing of the kilt and the skirl of the pipes?

Princes Street Gardens was hoaching, with an open air cafe and carousel and other entertainments. St. Cuthbert's church at the west end of the gardens is in the background.

There were far fewer men in kilts taking part this year. I do not know whether this was due to the change of date or due to Sporranclan, who gave this event a lot of publicity, being offline recently. So it was hardly surprising that by the time I got to Johnston Terrace there was not another kiltie in sight. Here your roving reporter is caught in a series of shots by one of the trouser clad ladies.

More to follow shortly.