Baker Valley Highland Games in oregon

competed as c class this time

WFH - 11 feet w/ 56lb. weight
Sheaf - 15 feet w/ 20lb. weight
Heavy Hammer - only 47'9" (fouled 2 of my good throws that were much better, maybe around 60 feet)
Light hammer - 75'3" (pretty happy with that one)
WFD heavy - 56lb. weight for 18'7"
WFD light - 28lb. weight for 40'10"
Braemar - 25lb. stone for 23'9"
Openstone - 18lb. stone for 28'7"
Caber - turned a 17 foot caber to 60 degrees, noone turned it successfully

I did ok but was not at my best, I hit better numbers than this in practice and the heavy hammer was a total disaster.