My uncle has been taking some training as a blacksmith, which has peaked not only my interest, but also my curiosity. With me interest in kilts, I'm curious now if anyone might know what the blacksmiths of old in Scotland might have worn.

If my understanding is correct, traditionally blacksmiths where an apron of thick, stout leather that comes to about mid-thigh, to protect them from sparks coming from their work. This would have left a significant portion of the kilt exposed to jumping sparks. So I'm curious as to what the blacksmiths of Scotland would have done. Would they have worn a longer apron that came down past the knees to protect both the kilt, and bare skin beneath it? Would they have worn some sort of long, leather sheath/skirt over the kilt, or in place of the kilt? Would they have forsaken the kilt during work, and worn leather breeches as any other blacksmith might have?

Does anyone have any ideas? Inquiring minds would like to know
