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  1. #19
    Join Date
    22nd July 08
    Victoria, BC
    3 Post(s)
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    I too can see both sides of this... If I were in your shoes, I'd probably e-mail them back a reply explaining a few thing...

    First, the reason for most adults to dress up at Halloween is NOT to go trick-or-treating, but usually to go to a party or bar... As this is the case, the kilts you own are NOT appropriate for such a use. First, there's the risk of getting them stained, ripped, drinks or food getting spilled on them, and just too much at stake considering that your average quality kilt costs over $100.

    Second, if they want to go dressed up as Scotsmen for Halloween, there are many places that can supply them with an appropriate costume -- as over-the-top as they want even. They are fairly cheap and will serve the purpose just fine.

    Third, if after Halloween they ever want to try out a kilt to wear just to know what it's like, without treating it as a costume, you'd be happy to oblige and teach them how to wear it properly and proudly.

    I agree with what some others have said in this forum. It doesn't make sense to get angry at them because you may end up turning them into casual kilt-wearers themselves. Forgive them their ignorance.

    P.S. As an after-thought, you may want to point out to them that it would be equally inappropriate to ask a female friend to borrow her good evening gown (that she wears out to the symphony) just so you could dress up as a woman for Halloween... If you did that, she'd tear you a strip!
    Last edited by CDNSushi; 10th October 08 at 08:16 PM.

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