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Next topic: A lawyer's rant.
(Looks like he hit his "send" button first!)
No sooner did I graduate law school than people started asking me for legal advice. You get used to it. I have a great "out" - I'm a government lawyer, and prohibited from the private practice of law by my employer and by state law. My usual answer is "I can't really help you, but I can point you in the direction of several good attorneys..."
Anyway, back on topic - and this is practical, not legal, advice - at the very least, you should send people who hire you a confirming letter, whether by mail, fax, or e-mail, setting forth the terms of the engagement. It lets them know that you're taking it seriously, and prevents misunderstandings about who, what, when, and where (and how much you get paid, and when).
"To the make of a piper go seven years of his own learning, and seven generations before. At the end of his seven years one born to it will stand at the start of knowledge, and leaning a fond ear to the drone he may have parley with old folks of old affairs." - Neil Munro