o.k., I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else? I was at a wedding of a friend of mine that I work with last saturday, the groom and his family were Irish, and I was the only one kilted,not a big deal(I work with the bride whom knew I was going kilted).
I recived nothing but good coments about how I looked Good, was the man, etc., etc. and that was good since it was well recived by everyone.....almost. After a couple of hours, and quite a number of alcholic drinks by everyone there, I was confronted by the brides uncle who, and i quote, "would you be interested in helping out with a prank?" Now I am a well spirited person who loves to muck with people from time to time. So I said "That depends on what it entails.", And his reply was this, " My brother is and always has been a ladies man, and he was talking about trying to pick up some chicks at this wedding, and I told himto be careful because I think that the guy in the SKIRThas his eye on you, so I am wondering if you would ask him to dance with you??"
WOW!!! My first thought was you a-hole!!! Who do you think you are......... But not wanting to start a fight at a friends wedding I simply replied," I would have if you would have called it a KILT, and not a skirt. To which he appoligized that he was sorry and he had been drinking,blah, blah, blah....
I mean come on man, has this ever happened to anyone else???