What other people think of me is none of my business...unless I wanna go crazy trying to outguess them.

Memories of my late mother, well into dementia but still hypercritical. I visited her wearing a kilt and was asked in a scolding tone why I was wearing "that." Just smiled and told her it was her clan tartan. Then she smiled and asked all sorts of questions about it.

Guess I was lucky to run the gauntlent of my buddies in my home group of Alcoholics Anonymous. You want some kilt comments, wear a kilt to an AA meeting where everyone knows you well....WHEW!!

Work probably took second place with a lesbian coworker the most aggressive in comments and disapproval.

After Mother, AA, and Coworkers not many kilt comments phase me. In fact, sometimes I have to catch myself so as not to seem too bored with the same old comments. And, of course thanks to this board, I have many ready responses.

Kilt acceptance isn't up to me - I've already accepted kilts. Kilt acceptance is up to others and they have the right to accept or reject them. No matter to me.
